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Privacy Policy

Fighteck Privacy Policy

Fighteck Cookie and Privacy Policy: A Comprehensive Guide

At Fighteck LTD., we prioritize your privacy and the protection of your information. As operators of the Fighteck.org domain and the associated mobile applications, our Cookie and Privacy Policy outlines our practices and your choices regarding information collection and usage.

Engage and Grow with Fighteck:

  • Explore Fighteck’s educational offerings, including courses and programs from us, our affiliates, and non-member entities.
  • Register for a personalized Fighteck account.
  • Opt-in for detailed information about our educational services.
  • Enroll and partake in our diverse course selection.

Member-Provided Courses:

Our Member institutions and global entities develop and present courses directly through the Fighteck platform, adhering to our shared privacy principles.

Partner and Third-Party Courses:

Courses offered in collaboration with non-member institutions, including 2U and its subsidiaries, may direct you to external sites not governed by this policy. Here, your Personal Information will be handled according to the respective privacy policies made available during your engagement with those services.

Our Commitment to Your Privacy:

This policy details the Personal Information Fighteck collects, its usage, sharing practices, and your personal data management rights. We define “Personal Information” as data that identifies you either directly or indirectly.

Data Collection and Use:

Fighteck gathers data when you:

  • Register and manage your Fighteck account.
  • Express interest in our courses.
  • Communicate with us across various platforms.
  • Engage with our educational content and pursue certifications.

Usage of Personal Information:

We utilize your data to:

  • Enhance the Fighteck site’s functionality.
  • Create and deliver courses.
  • Offer and refine our services.
  • Uphold site security and performance.
  • Communicate updates and offers.
  • Support research efforts.
  • Monitor site usage to align with our goals.
  • Comply with legal requirements.

Information Sharing Practices:

Your data may be shared with:

  • Member institutions upon enrollment or course participation.
  • Service providers for operational support, under strict confidentiality agreements.
  • Other learners and visitors for interactive educational experiences.
  • Sponsoring entities for course enrollment verification.
  • Fighteck affiliates, maintaining consistency with this policy.
  • Legal and safety entities if necessary.
  • Third parties in the event of business transfers.

International Data Transfers:

We transfer data internationally, ensuring protection through adequacy decisions, contractual clauses, or Binding Corporate Rules.

Member Institutions’ Data Practices:

Members collect, use, and share your Personal Information for educational and operational purposes, subject to applicable laws.

Managing Your Personal Information:

You can control your data through:

  • Fighteck site features.
  • Direct requests to our learner support team.
  • Legal rights to access, correct, restrict, or delete your data.

Children’s Privacy:

We do not knowingly collect information from children under 13 and will take steps to delete it if discovered.

California Consumer Rights:

In compliance with the CCPA, we respect California consumers’ rights regarding their Personal Information.

Security Measures:

We safeguard your data with robust security measures but cannot guarantee absolute security due to the nature of the internet.

Policy Updates:

Our Privacy Policy is subject to updates. We will notify you of significant changes, which take immediate effect upon posting.

Fighteck is dedicated to maintaining a trusted and secure environment for your educational pursuits. For any concerns or requests regarding your Personal Information, please contact privacy@fighteck.com. Our complete Cookie and Privacy Policy, with the latest updates, is always accessible on our website for your review.